Ryan Dougherty, PE, RG, CWRE

Senior Hydrogeologist and
Water Resources Engineer

(503) 967-7050 Ext. 205


Ryan has over a decade of experience providing hydrogeologic and water resource management services in the Pacific Northwest. As both hydrogeologist and water resources engineer, he applies a broad quantitative skillset to support groundwater supply studies, aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) and artificial recharge (AR) projects, public water system planning and management efforts, source water protection studies, numerical groundwater modeling, and the design, construction, optimization, and rehabilitation of water supply wells. As a Certified Water Right Examiner (CWRE), Ryan also has significant experience with water rights in the State of Oregon and has a thorough understanding of regulatory requirements for public water systems.


MS, Environmental Engineering California State University, Fullerton
BS, Geology and Business Administration, University of Oregon

Professional Registrations

Professional Engineer, Oregon
Registered Geologist, Oregon
Certified Water Right Examiner, Oregon

Careers at Summit
Water Resources


Summit Water
Resources Staff


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