The staff at Summit Water Resources enthusiastically welcomes Brad Bessinger, PhD, RG, to the team. With expertise in geochemistry, contaminant fate and transport, water resource evaluations, environmental forensics, reactive transport modeling, and monitored natural attenuation, he will supplement the Summit staff’s exceptional groundwater supply and water resource management expertise in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. Brad will serve as our Camas, Washington, office manager. The office is located at 416 NE Dallas Street, Suite 201, Camas, Washington 98607.
Our Geo-Logic (GLA) professionals at Daniel B. Stephens & Associates (DBS&A) and Clear Creek Associates, also eagerly anticipate collaborating with Dr. Bessinger on environmental litigation and water resources management projects.
As a Registered Geologist in Oregon and Licensed Geologist in Washington, Dr. Bessinger has over 20 years of experience in environmental chemistry and the analysis of fate and transport of organic compounds and metals in the environment. His experience includes designing and conducting contaminant fate and transport studies, environmental forensics investigations, and water quality assessments. He has obtained and interpreted geochemical and isotopic data, developed reactive transport models for sediment and groundwater, prepared site treatability studies, and investigated the sources of contaminants for litigation, insurance claims, and Natural Resource Damage Assessments. His expertise in geochemistry and reactive transport modeling is routinely used in monitored natural attenuation investigations and aquifer storage and recovery evaluations.
Dr. Bessinger earned a PhD in Geochemistry and an MS in Rock Mechanics at the University of California at Berkeley, and a BS in Engineering Geology at Stanford University.